Wednesday, April 27, 2022


"There's a young boy here with
five barley loaves and two fish.
But what good is that with this
huge crowd?"
(John 5:9 NLT)

You remember the story.  Jesus took
that lunch and fed 5000 men and also
the women and children.

I wanted to do big things for God.
You know, earn lots of money so I
could give a lot to missions and the

But for the last near fifty years God
has been constantly drilling this 
truth into me.

"I tell you the truth,' Jesus said,
'this poor widow has given more
than all the rest of them.  For they
have given a tiny part of their
surplus, but she, poor as she is,
has given everything she has."
(Luke 21:3,4 NLT)

The little bit that I have can be "MORE"
than what the rich are giving.  How much
of it is God getting.

"And if you give even a cup of
cold water to one of the least
of my followers, you will 
surely be rewarded."
(Matthew 10:42 NLT)

"Little is much when God is in it!
Labor not for wealth or fame;
There’s a crown, and you can win it,
If you go in Jesus’ name."


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