Sunday, April 10, 2022


So I'm off on a rant again.

What triggered me was the images of the
head of the Russian orthodox church I have
been seeing recently in the news.  You have
seen them if you are keeping up with the news
of today.

I am not trying to pick on him over the head
of any of the other churches.  But look at him,
with the flashy robe his is wearing, the crown
on his head and the scepter in his hand.  Is that
suppose to represent "Christian humility"?

For over sixty years seeing the pride in the
ministry, or any where else, has been a 
problem to me.

You can easy find a list of 100 Scripture 
verses on the internet about the problem 
of pride.  But just consider a few statements
that Jesus made in Matthew chapter 23.

"The teachers of religious law and
the Pharisees ..."
"Everything they do is for show."
"Don't let anyone call you 'Rabbi,
for you have only one teacher and
all of you are equal as brothers and
(Matthew 23:2,5,8 NLT)

  We may all
have some outstanding trait or quality,
but so does the other guy.  If we are 
Christians, we are only brothers and 
sisters and all headship belongs to 
Jesus Christ.

"God blesses those who are humble,
for they will inherit the whole earth."
(Matthew 5:6 NLT)

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