Sunday, April 3, 2022


I don't know about you, 
but I don't like it when things don't go right.
My plans get messed up, things I try to fix 
don't work right, at my age even my body
does not always work right and people do
dumb stuff.

However, by now I have learned two things.
1. God is going to test all of us.  Are we 
going to remain true to him?
2.  Just like exercise, it might strain or even
hurt.  But it is making us stronger.  So all
these trials and test strengthen us in our
relationship to God, if we will let them.

Consider what Paul and Barnabas was
teaching the various churches.

"They encouraged them to continue in
the faith reminding them that we must
suffer many hardships to enter the 
Kingdom of God.,"
(Acts 14:22 NLT)

Perhaps if things are going too well
we are no longer a threat to Satan.
[That would be scary.].  So, with God's
help instead of letting all this stress and
strain getting me down, I'll follow the
instruction of the apostle James.

"Dear brothers and sister, when
troubles of any kind come your way,
consider it an opportunity for great
joy.  For you know that when your
faith is tested, your endurance has a
chance to grow.  So let it grow, for
when your endurance is fully devel-
oped, you will be perfect and com-
plete, needing nothing."
(James 1:1-4 NLT)


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